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Rasheed Wallace: Flavor of the day or NONSENSE?

If due to some twisted whim of the Gods any of us were anointed as 
the Celt's big red cheese, like Ainge we would probably look into 
every trade possibility out there.  God knows Chad Ford does.

Would we seriously consider trading for alleged perps such as
Eddie Griffin, Bonzi Wells, Sheed Wallace?  I would hope not.  
But then really what would we have to even offer these other teams 
in any of these crazy Chad Ford speculations?  Would we jeopardize 
our future by obtaining Sheed and his expiring contract only to see 
Ainge's biggest coup to date - SF Jiri - sent immediately to the bench? 

Would we spend 1/3 of our team's budget (thus lessening any available 
player contract and luxury tax dollars) on Ainge/Wallace/Papile's 
flying circus around the world in 80 days to scout possible draft 
choices for 2004?  I would hope not.

Why not instead simply appoint affordable astutes Tammo or RickDHome 
or Berry (who all track the college scene and have an excellent record 
on who our past draft choices should have been) to choose our 2004 
draftees?  They could likely throw their darts straighter for a 
fraction of our present costs. And as an additional perk, I would even 
invite them to the annual Celt summer picnic and have their 
pulchritudinal mugs spewed from the Jumbotron. I certainly do not
want to see Papile's face any more... not for a $100 seat, not for 
a $5 seat.

We seem to all be on ''the same page'' in considering that Ainge brought 
us universally accepted ideas for our team's improvement.  My problem 
remains as to how he has actually gone about implementing these ideas.  
Unlike Teddy Roosevelt, Ainge seems to have talked loudly but so far
carried a twig.

    ''He's (Ainge) thinking years. That's years; not minutes, quarters, 
    games, weeks, or months. Years. That's the reality of the Boston 
    - Ryan

    He (Ainge) has tried his hardest to make this year's team click, our
    future be damned.  It appears Ainge would in a flash give up two future 
    #1 draft choices and expiring contracts for any player he felt could 
    improve our team THIS YEAR.  

As for Walker's description of Danny as a ''snake'' and Danny's description 
of Walker as a negative ''grip,'' both are right.  But is it not pretty 
of them to be covering ass by going public?  Don't they realize that silence
(everywhere but on a sports board) is the most perfect expression of 
scorn?  Anyone else here have the feeling that these two actually 
deserve each other?

The figure who will once again emerge smelling like a rose is OBIE.  
We are winning since Obie told Ainge to take his theories and preferred 
players and put 'em where the sun don't shine.  It's not right, but then 
Ainge/Pagliuca should have considered that possibility when they got 
rid of the ''Walker grip'' yet retained the more powerful ''Obie grip.''

Damn if Obie doesn't have nine lives while all around him fail.  


     "I really feel better about some of our losses than some of our wins.b 
        - Ainge (via Ryan)