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Re: [Celtics' Stuff ] Re: Bucks game #2

In a message dated 12/1/03 6:06:37 AM Pacific Standard Time, 
lapdoggy@xxxxxxxxxxxxx writes:

> HA! I don't remember any board ever predicated on the bashing of a sole 
> Celtic player, and I've been through many. Now there is.

No there isn't. But considering his stellar triple double performance at home 
on Friday night and then what happened 24 hours later in Milwaukee, perhaps 
you and a few of your closest friends might want to adopt this slogan as a New 
Year's resolution: "The Truth should always be more than just a Fleet-ing 

> Pierce didn't lose Saturday's game. He was one of the reasons we were still 
> in the game, like many other games where the C's have been narrowly beaten. 
> Those are the facts. 

Unfortunately, coming close only counts when you're pitching horseshoes or 
lobbing hand grenades. And as our veteran All-Star and captain, he's expected to 
produce more than moral victories when he cashes those max contract checks.

> But then again I chose to look a the glass half full(which it is now that 
> Walker is gone) rather than obsess on the fact that Twan was booted and Pierce 
> wasn't.

So how does Walker still have anything to do now with Pierce's performance?  
Since he's no longer here to be the target of blame or criticism, Pierce 
stands alone now and should be judged on his own.       