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Re: Isiah Thomas fired

< No matter the veracity of the content in your post, you did succeed in 
making me chuckle with your imagination. And for that, I thank you..... >

I thought it was about time you enjoyed a good laugh over this team. 
But, geesh, am I being accused of lies and being the lying liar who tells 
them: a unfair and unbalanced look at the Celtics?  Damn, that's no fun 
at all... for me.  

< Haven't you heard that never let the facts get in the way of a good 

Never heard it.  But it sure smacks of a really catchy little phrase.
Just wondering what that sexy little <g>> at the end of it means.  
Is that some sort of tree-hugger, left-wing pinko symbol? 

< However, since you like to look things up, look up my Eastern 
conference team predictions for last year versus the handwringers. >

Attempted to, but my eyeballs were too jarred and stinging after reading 
your posts concerning the merits of the Baker trade and your 50-win 
prediction for the Celts.  Would appreciate it if you would kindly guide me 
to the exact date of your precision-perfect Eastern Division predictions 
so we could all exalt in your glory over this Labor Day weekend. Where 
the heck did summer go?

< Does anyone remember who loved the Knicks, Heat and supposedly, much 
improved Hawks of last year?

Chad Ford? Was that before or after Mourning and McDyess went down for 
the season?  Can you imagine our record if we lost Pierce for 82 games?
