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Re: [Celtics' Stuff ] Re: May on the Five Best Teams In The East

At 04:18 PM 8/10/03 +0000, rltjr33 wrote:

>--- In Celticsstuffgroup@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "howiecarrfan"
><howiecarrfan@xxxx> wrote:
> >
> > And I'm sure this article will offend the usual cheerleaderish
> > types....
> >
>Which is, of course, the only reason you put it up, not that you care
>one iota about its accuracy or lack thereof.
>We'll see who's standing come May, Ray. In the meantime, put up
>articles and keep the commentary to yourself.

I have to disagree with both Rob and Way/howie.

I disagree with W/H because I disagree with the Peter May article 
itself.  The Celtics, as a playoff contender in two consecutive seasons, 
belong in any top 5 list in the EC.  Especially over Indiana.

I disagree with Rob because even though W/H comments ARE sometimes 
annoying, he has a right to express them.  And, in fairness, he didn't 
write the article, he just agrees with it.  The comments ARE germane to the 
subject of the list.

It's hard sometimes to draw the line between constructive criticism and 
just being annoying.  I've done BOTH in my time. :>))  But honestly, 
wouldn't it be kind of dead around here if all anyone EVER posted was 
variations on how wonderful the Celtics are?  Likewise if the comments went 
all in the other direction.  This list needs it's curmudgeons as much as 
it's optimists.  Speaking for myself, I like to be occasionally challenged 
in my beliefs--reasonably--so that I can properly articulate my reasons for 
holding the beliefs I do.   OK, sometimes, I like a good argument.  :>))

W/H has, presumably an IQ higher than a radish.  He knows his views are 
unpopular and that he'll take some heat for posting from some 
quarters.  Just as anyone perceived as being overly positive will take a 
few shots.

But we're not journalists.  We're fans.  The main job of a fan, when all is 
said and done, is to root for the team.  We're SUPPOSED to be biased.  At 
least a little.  We want our team to win.  Do some of us take that desire 
personally?  Sure.  But where's the harm.  Let's face it.  Neither W/H, or 
I, to name but two (three?) are in a position to run the team.  And if any 
of us were, there'd probably be a mass defection to the 
Nets.  :>)))))  (Ok, except Kim, who would take Jan Volk's job and end up 
in the HOF for her understanding of salary caps and the Reggie Lewis 
situation.  There's always an exception to the rule.)

Do we have whimsy?  Gee, Egg, what do you think? :>))  Why not?  Does 
everything have to be dry and serious?  I hope not.  Yet, there's a place 
here for serious discussion as well.  People on these lists have made some 
incredibly prescient observations on the team, coaching, rookies, draft, 
and the upcoming season.  We cover the gamut from longtime fans to people 
who can at least recognize a basketball as opposed to a football.

So I can't, in all honesty,bring myself to encourage ANYONE to NOT give 
their opinion on the team, even if they're a little down on the C's.  Look 
at it this way.  At the end of the season, either we'll be saying 'nyahh, 
nyahh' to the naysayers as we raise Banner 17, or they'll be "I told you 
so"-ing us while we cry in the beverage of our choice.  Then we get to have 
fun looking forward to next season.

It could be--and HAS BEEN--a lot worse.  We don't have a True Center, no; 
and our offensive strategy is, ummm, hazy.  We also don't have Rick Pitino, 
ML Carr or Paul Gaston.   I think we're ahead of the game.   For those 
considering Baker a negative, remember, we made the playoffs WITHOUT 
him.  So if he gives us nothing, we grit our teeth and hope for a trade or 
medical retirement.  BUT--if he can even give us a little bit, whoah, look 

I'm an optimist, for many reasons public and private.  I don't believe in 
giving up.  I am a second-generation Celtics fan.  I'm doing my best to run 
a decent website for me and my fellow fans, even though it's taking it's 
toll on me some days.  I like the Celtics, and want them to win.  Every 
game, every season, every championship.  No, THAT won't happen.  But the 
C's have come closer than ANYONE to doing it.  And I'm REALLY looking 
forward to the day when the CBW can once more proudly proclaim it is a 
website devoted to the WORLD CHAMPION BOSTON CELTICS.

That day ought to be coming sometime this June.

Snoopy the Celtics Beagle
Please visit the <http://www.celticsbeagle.net/>Celtics Beagle Website