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Thought son the sale

If anyone is listening to or watching the press conference, please pass
along what is said. I tried to listen on the Net, but had no luck.

Some very premature thoughts...

Like probably everyone, I immediately wondered if Bird could be involved.
Unfortunately, it would be completely out of character for LB to abandon the
effort in Charlotte (trying to bring an expansion team there) when he
obviously is needed to make that effort work. I can't see him leaving his
partners in that effort out to dry. Now, if that falls through between now
and the next offseason, who knows?

It seems likely that nothing will change this season. You have to think
they'll want to observe the operation before making any changes. I expect
they'll evaluate Wallace, Obie and the rest over the next 10 months.

Yes, I'm hoping they clean house after this season. Some of you will think
I'm nuts, but I still contend Dick Harter was the single most important
non-player in the organization last season. Wallace has been borderline
awful and Obie is a one-trick pony.

I can't imagine how the new owners could be worse than Gaston. The only
possible way would be if they were meddlers and/or cheapskates who didn't
even pay their own quality players. Donald Sterling, George Shinn come to
mind. Short of that however, they can't be worse.

Too bad this couldn't have happened before the Baker trade/loss of Rogers.
Now the new guys are stuck with Baker's unmovable contract. 

Anyway, I consider this great news. Brightened up a rainy day.
