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RE: The Price of Fear

Sorry, but I don't support the "xxxxxx defense" of just doing his job.  If
he knows that she is lying isn't that suborning (sp) perjury and against the
ethics oath he took?

There is a reason that gang members hire specific attorneys.  The Office of
the Bar Council knows who they are and why they are hired.

>If you "lie" about how bad your neck is hurt, well, it doesn't
seem as significant.

I don't see any real difference.  Stealing from insurance companies is the
same as holding up a convenience store only you use a lawyer instead of a
gun.  The single best "thing" about America is our justice system.  It is
also the single worst "thing" as well.  IMO.

There was a reason I bailed out of law studies and went into business.  I
didn't want to be part of that system.  I find I am still a part of the
system, just in a different way. Oh well.  If I had known then what I know
now..... etc...

>That being said, even as an attorney, this makes me sick.

This is why I wanted to be clear that I didn't want to offend other list
members.  I have a number of friends who are lawyers.  It is the few that
taint the rest.  As in any profession/group.

Be well, <Jim

-----Original Message-----
From: Bentz Kirby [mailto:bocelts@usit.net]
Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2002 11:33 AM
To: James A. Hill; Celtic Mail
Subject: Re: The Price of Fear

"James A. Hill" wrote:

> The sickening part of the story isn't her recanting, it's the scum defense
> attorney getting her to knowingly lie.  He facilitated/caused this
> corruption of justice.  Nothing will happen to him for doing it either.
> long as the Bar keeps supporting/protecting attorneys like him there will
> never be actual justice in this country.
> (No personal offense meant to individual attorneys on this list)
> <Jim


The lawyer is "just doing his job."  The woman shows up at his office and
volunteers to recant.  Of course he uses it for his client's benefit.  Our
system is an adversarial system and if you don't do all you can within the
to protect your client, you do ge kicked out.   The reason that he doesn't
"caught" is that there is never any way you can connect the dots to get back
him.  Even if the woman rolls over, she likely had no direct contact with
except to recant.   I am sure some gang took care of the rest on the
instructions of the thug.

That being said, even as an attorney, this makes me sick.  I was thinking of
writing him and asking him how he sleeps at night.  This is why I try to
to civil work.  If you "lie" about how bad your neck is hurt, well, it
seem as significant.

