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See you in the fall ...

Now that Wallace and O'Brien have finished
rubber-stamping Gaston's Roster O' Mediocrity, there's
really not much more to do than wait til training
camp. The team clearly isn't going to make any bold
moves, and we'll just have to see whether Baker &
Shammond can make the Celtics better than Rogers &
Kenny. A few, thoughts, though:

1) Look at the team's roster and tell me how many guys
would be coveted by other NBA teams? Pierce & Walker,
obviously; E-Will and Battie, probably; Baker, Delk
and Kedrick, perhaps. I somehow don't think the names
JR Bremer, Shammond Williams, Walter McCarty, Bruno
Sundov and Ruben WallaWalla are going to inspire trade
lust around the league. Meanwhile, Ruben W's $500K
contract should help Gaston pay off his yacht that
much faster.    

2) I don't know if Ray was right when he says Milan
Gurovic wanted to play for the Celtics (and even if he
did, the hitch is whether he'd be willing to play for
peanuts). But reading the guy's scouting report on
Telebasket, it sure as hell makes me wish the C's had
been looking there instead of WaWa or that big softy,
Kotex Koturovic (a.k.a. the Travis Knight of Europe). 

For your perusing pleasure (warning: pages load

Meanwhile, um, go Patriots? 
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