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Re: Fw: [Celtics' Stuff from hero to goat

From: "Lance Jacobson" <lancejacob@xxxxxxxxx>

Look, Bird, I'm of Mediterranean extraction and it's horribly offensive to
have you insinuate that I accuse Pierce of any connection with Bin Laden or
that I imply that he has evil in his intentions. I've never said it, implied
it, suggested it or anything of the sort.
That's bull crap, plain and simple. I apologize for the harsh words to those with sensitive ears (or eyes), but I don't care what "extraction" you identify with, you implied it, suggested it, ran with it, and beat it into the damn ground, and anybody with a brain can see it, most definitely.
You're offended? That's too bad. I should be concerned, after the way you managed to offend people? Well, I'll try -- nope, can't quite do it. What can I tell you? I just don't care how you feel. Sue me. Maybe if you would have come in here with some respect, I might've. Too late now, huh?

He's insensitive, selfish, egotistical beyond definition, as in "the world
revolves around me". Does that make him evil? Not at all. So cut the crap
about implying that I'm condemning the guy as a bad human being.

You don't have to tell me that he's "flawed", either. We're all flawed. You
don't have to tell me that Pierce has been important to the Celtics and has
done good things, including those in the community. I know that. I read the
papers and follow the games.
I'm not telling *you* anything. Brick walls don't make for good conversation partners.

YOU can decide whether Paul's good or bad. I say he's a good player going in
a bad direction. The trending is rapid and dangerous, IMO. You use the
available evidence to draw your own conclusions, but I've not said that Paul
doesn't contribute to the team. The things he's begun to do have hurt them,
and he seems encouraged to continue. Is that what you want?
Yup. Actually what I really want is for you to do is learn a bit more about how to conduct yourself on a public email list, and that includes attributing quotes correctly, not replying to *every* single post, showing some sign that you realize that other people's opinions are at least as important as yours, and not pissing just about everybody off. But I try to confine myself to things that I think can actually happen. Thanks for asking, though.

I did miss your "Pierce is a good player" point in your earlier posts. Oh,
right, that's because you never said it.
