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Re: Sore points, Jackie - how about deep lacerations and no points?

< And you know that full well but instead you're being your usual,
  deliberately misleading self ...> -Steve

<Well I guess I didn'tt know. But that'ss wonderful, Steve. Now you are even
crediting me for my errors. If only my professors had felt that way, I
wouldn'tt have had to purchase that second-hand Phi Beta Kappa key at
a flea market.>>Egg>

Now, what would an Eggy post be without the usual feint and self-aggrandizing comment?
It wouldn't be Eggy.

Aren't you a whole lot too old to be talking about your college years, Egg?  I mean,
really, you've had so much more success in the 30+ seasons since then to be
referencing the last time of your life when you were being judged face-to-face by

Steve's just reminding the posters that we're being set up again by your misdirecting

Keep up the good work, Steve.  I remember when the old fable about the boy crying
"Wolf".  The New Age version has the wolf in Egg's clothing.  Makes a lousy quiche.