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Re: Krispy Kremes in Medford this week! (No hoops)

"Ah-HAH.  The west coast DOES have some advantages over the east"

  You can add the Midwest to that too.  We've had Krispy Kreme here for 
years.  While there is nothing like the good old fashioned glazed right off 
the belt, my favorite remains the chocolate iced creme filled.  It fills all 
the basic nutritional requirements.
Sickeningly sweet creme for your dairy requirements. Wonderfully soft and 
airy yeast doughnut for your fiber requirements.  And of course the most 
basic of all daily requirements, chocolate.  The very best thing about them 
is unlike the glazed where you could eat a half a dozen in one sitting if you 
were so inclined, it would take the heartiest of appetites to eat more than 
two of these babies.  
Enjoy!<A HREF="mailto:Douglas342@DOMAIN.HIDDEN";>