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Re: A riddle that could unlock the enigm [Yahoo! Clubs: Celtics Stuff]

on 9/19/01 3:53 PM, Roy Enrile at renrile@qualcomm.com wrote:

LOL!  Now I'm picturing Antoine determinedly calling that play over an
over.  Nice post, needed the laugh at this time.

On Wed, 19 Sep 2001, Jim Metz wrote:

>We could bring the ball up the floor, in a kind of flying wedge

    Thanks Ray;
   I posted same to three boards. you are the first one to recognize I was
trying to be funny.
   On AOL, my sanity was being questioned.
   On the topic of Antoine, someone did raise a very good point. So far in
his career, every improvement in an area of his game, has resulted in a dip
to another. He is still young enough to get the whole thing together, at
some point. 
   I love the fact that he has slimmed down. He should be much quicker and
he needed to work on his ball handling skills. Will he be able to guard 3's
and 4's? Will his move to the basket be more under control and will he have
more hops?
   With Antoine able to guard 3's, we can use a front like of Walker,
Potapenko and Battie, with Pierce and Palacio and greatly improve our
defense and rebounding. If Walker or Joe Johnson can handle the point on
offense, we can put a speed team on the floor also.


Unchain My Heart!