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Re: New Article from Bob George

--- Denese Dugay <bwylover@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Or could it be that the reason two 0-4 teams got
> better ratings than the A's 
> and Yankees is that because outside of greater New
> York, everyone is sick of 
> seeing the Yankees play in the postseason and
> therefore choose not to watch? 

If by Yankees you mean baseball, then we agree.

>   The travesty of 9/11 

As opposed to the tragedy that was this year's 
Boston Red Sox?

> does not translate into the
> country rallying around a 
> baseball team from the same city.  The Yankees might
> win the world series 
> again, but it doesn't mean we have to like it, and
> that doesn't mean we 
> don't emphathize with the people of New York.  After
> all, my being a Red Sox 
> fan didn't change because of that day.

Fact of the matter is that hating these Yankees is
just an outward result of your own overinflated and
dashed hopes for the Red Sox to break the curse.

You don't have to like the Yankees, but hating this
group is just being petty and spiteful.

It is a well-run organization with quality ball
and human beings.

Compare that to the Red Sox which has far more selfish
and underachieving pine riders and as far as 
management, it is truly a group that have no sense
of themselves.  Duquette siding with players over 
his then coach whom it was apparent to me would rather
leave the sox to be an assistant under Cox in Atlanta
regardless of team records.

The Red Sox are a miserable organization with even
more miserable fans who secretly revel in their 

And no, I am not a Yankees fan, nor am I a baseball

What I am is a Red Sox hater.  Why?  Because they
still have a brainwashed percentage of New England
that will keep watching them despite what a joke
they are.

I can't wait for those people to die so that Red Sox
baseball can be sent to FSNE and the back pages of
the Globe where it belongs.

Christopher Robert Woods - tradebledsoe@yahoo.com
"No one ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American public." - HL Mencken
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