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Re: While You Babble On About Donuts....

--- You wrote:
See, this is what's so great about talk radio.  They force their opinions on
their brainless audience to the point where people who have some degree of
humanity in their souls don't even bother calling in because they'll only be
shouted down by hairy-backed illiterates like Fred Smerlas, and the
unfortunate wretches who have been sucked into the vortex of negativity
begin to believe that anyone who doesn't want to participate in this
juvenile, jealous bullying is an elitist snob, who's out of touch with the
common people.  It's sad, and it's scary that we have so many people amongst
us who need to destroy others to feel good about themselves.
--- end of quote ---

This is as good a description of sports talk radio as I've seen. It also
explains why WayRay is the way he/she/it is. 