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Re: Baron Davis backs it up

At 09:40 AM 10/17/01, j.hironaka wrote:
>I know its just the preseason, but they have a game tonight. We are 
>talking about a Celtics franchise that built its worldwide renown by being 
>better conditioned and prepared than every opponent on any night. As far 
>as I'm concerned, this is a very dark Krispy Kreme stain on Celtics 
>tradition and a grave insult to fans. These 14 guys are struggling through 
>a global recession on 45 million in guaranteed salary for a five month 
>season. They owe it to their fans to at least make sacrifices and give 
>their money's worth. Its not like comparitively nutritious foods all 
>tastes bad.

20 dozen donuts is a lot. Even so, two posts on the "Krispy Kreme scandal" 
does seem like an overreaction to me. Maybe whoever ordered overdid it - 
it's not like they're on a tight donut budget - and not every player ate a 
dozen, or nearly that. Maybe the non-players (various media, coaches, etc.) 
munched down quite a few. Obviously the "Krispy Kreme Diet" isn't a 
positive, but "a grave insult to fans"? I just can't get myself worked up 
about it.

Pro athletes in general do seem to have surprisingly bad diets on average, 
though. Pitino was "Mr. Rules" - supposedly he had a giant handbook of 
accepted behavior - and it seemed to cause some resentment. Let's face it, 
if the players are in the mood for Krispy Kreme donuts, they're going to 
get it at some point regardless of the coach. They're not monitored 24 hrs 
a day. It's too bad that a lot of them don't care more about what they eat, 
I agree.
