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Posting Wars

    Thanks, Joe, for posting that last message.  I had replied to Patrick,
saying I didn't believe how the list had changed, either.  People have the
right to disagree, but to turn this list into a way to insult people and
make them feel degraded just because they have an opinion different from
yours is downright childish and unreasonable.
    I can certainly understand the frustration of many because the Celts
haven't been winning in a long time, but I think I see light at the end of
the tunnel now that Pitino's gone back to college where he belongs.  It
doesn't happen overnight or in just one season.  A championship is not going
to happen this year, and probably not next, but if they continue to improve,
we have hope it will not be too long.  As long as they're playing well,
giving it all they have, playing smart, etc., I'm satisfied.  I see a huge
improvement in Antoine's game, for instance - he's doing those things you've
all been wanting him to do and it's had an astounding effect.  We have a
promising rookie in Joe Johnson - in other words there are lots of
positives.  Try looking at the things that are now right, instead of wrong.
Children call people names - as adults we're supposed to be above that.
We're all pretty intelligent people, so why not act like it?