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Best of the Bunch?

Ray opined:

<<And the best of the bunch, quite possibly is Pau Gasol. Think 20 - 10 -
3 every game for Mr. Gasol when he bulks up. And he could have
been a Celtic, if management had just gotten over their hesitancy to
package picks 10 and 11.>>

Amazed that no one has pointed out this coincidence before:  in Catalan,
"pau" means "earnest" and "gasol" means "brown".

Gotta wonder about Ray's statistical projections for Robert Traylor "when
he slims down".

Michael Gooen

Please translate the following into Arabic and forward to Osama bin Laden, c/o Taliban:  Wenn ist das Nunstruck git und Slotermeyer? Ja! ... Beiherhund das Oder die Flipperwaldt gersput!
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