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re: new Wallace interview re: strickland

>  From: "Josh Ozersky" <jozersky1@nyc.rr.com>
> Check it out
> www.bskball.com/celtics.shmtl

Got a 404 error there, but found it at http://www.bskball.com/Boston.shtml 

I really don't get Eric Williams as a power forward, nor Wallah as a "good 
shooter".  But Chris Wallace and Jimmy O'Brien know more about basketball 
than I do, right?  I liked Chris Herren as much as the next guy (as long 
as the next guy isn't Mark Berry or JB), but surely Strickland is a better 
player.  It doesn't have to be a conspiracy, does it?

I would say don't let one game out of 82 get you bent out of shape, but I 
see some have already freaked out.  The level of discourse went down 
quickly (as in "he's a f***ing stiff"), but I guess that's to be expected.
   Evil Antoine (and it was, to be sure, but you see, "Evil Toine" lives 
with "Good Toine" -- in fact they're the same person) had a (very) off 
game but the real kooks (as opposed to those with considered criticisms of 
Walker) only come out when Toine-with-a-goatee played the night before -- 
never when Walker nails 7-10 three-pointers or wins the game on a buzzer 
beater.  I guess that's to be expected, too.

(The Celtic "Tird")