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Re: Pitino's Problems?

--- You wrote:
Was there anyone else on the market who could've done a better job? 
--- end of quote ---

Uh, yeah, just about anybody else. 

--- You wrote:
Larry Brown, maybe...but anyone else not already coaching? Could Larry Brown
have done it with our roster within his standard 3-4 years before leaving?
--- end of quote ---

What are you talking about? When Brown took the job the Sixers were in a
similar shape (or worse) as the Celtics. Now they're the #2 team in the NBA,
and we still haven't made the playoffs since that time.  

--- You wrote:
It's pretty easy (and shallow) to criticise in hindsight. 
--- end of quote ---

Maybe next time we should criticize a coach/GM/president BEFORE he's started
his job. 

--- You wrote:
He's gone, why is there a persistent need to stick the boots in?
--- end of quote --- 

Because he set my team back four years, at least, not counting the contracts
that are going to be strangling the Celtics for another 2-3 years or more.
Because he's an egomaniac snake-oil salesman who collected 20+ million dollars
for driving the franchise into the ground, and then basically disavowed any
responsibility for it. Because...oh, don't get me started. 

--- You wrote:
When was the last time someone slagged off ML Carr? Now there is a coaching
--- end of quote --- 

ML is a coaching farce who didn't pretend to be anything else. Pitino is a
coaching farce who casts himself as a basketball genius and a motivational
guru. ML at least pulled off the Montross for the pick-that-became-Walker
trade. Name one Pitino trade that comes even close to that.    