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Picking up on the earlier thread about trading half of our roster and/or
future for Kobe, I read the line for a recent NBC game in which kobe had
in 45 minutes 34 points and Zero assists, as the point ?!? Also, recent
comments after a loss about how Iverson had his 30 and Carter, it was
now his turn. Finally about how he has matured and it is his time, not
Shaq's to shine. A more determined Ron MErcer? He was certainly
determined to grab that title last spring. I have not seen that
determination since a young Magic in 80, Bird in 81. Speaking of Mercer,
in today's NBA with no real dominant team/players, could the C's
instantly improve with a 3rd and 4th scorers, ala Mercer? The C's will
not win it with D, I believe but O. Just my .02

I have recently sent posts to the list, but not seen them posted, so I
apologize for doubles. Some people were going to get back to me about
the C's stock after consulting with their brokers. Any responses? Just
another way to support the team. Thanks