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Re: Expect Loss in Charlotte

> From: JB <jbmetzea@yahoo.com>
>                There are those that are optimistic, some that are
> pessimistic and then there is myself, who is wildly manic. Every year, I
> predict 53 wins and rejoice in the good play and tear my hair out when 
> they
> go selfish and lazy.
>     We are here, we are fans. There are not "good" fans and by contrast 
> bad
> fans.

Yeah, actually, I don't think you could be more wrong.  Or perhaps it's 
more accurate to say that there are fans on this list who are sometimes 
good and sometimes bad (hey, sometimes I'm late running to watch the game,
  or I actually listen to my wife while there are *important* things 
happening on the court -- these are indicative of a Bad Fan (tm)), and 
then there are people here who are not fans.  Yes, I'm looking in your 
direction Way/Ray/Kai/Mr. Ghost/etc.  There are others, but I think people 
who are interested in what I think (all two of you ...) already can guess 
at who else I might mention.  Doesn't matter, anyway.  Just my opinion.

For the record, it's not a matter of being "pessimistic" or "optimistic".  
I don't think fans need to always provide the sunniest perspective on the 
team.  Be critical.  Maybe they could refrain from posting messages 
(grammatically) commanding people to "expect a loss", though?  IMO, that 
just sucks.


P.S. By the way, JB, you don't seem "manic" so much as 
"manic-depressive" -- when things are good, they're really good, and when 
they're bad, they are really bad.  And that's OK.  (You're good enough, 
strong enough, and doggone it ...).  Being a fan can liberate one inasmuch 
as allowing behavior that isn't desirable in serious, adult, life.  Like, 
being so rabidly prejudiced against another group (like say, the Fakers) 
is a Bad Thing in real life.  Conversely, I believe it's the fourth 
commandment in our little religion here ("Thou shalt not give the Lakers a 
break").  Anyway, I don't need to point out the behavior of the 
aforementioned troll that provides the opposite example, do I?  No, I didn'
t think so.