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Re: new bskball column

on 8/25/01 4:22 PM, Josh Ozersky at jozersky1@nyc.rr.com wrote:

 Russell was to team basketball what Michael Jordan
is to one-on-one basketball, and the real founder of the Celtic Mystique.
   Well; I always thought that Auerbach had a little to do with it. In fact,
when I read this phrase, I became a bit annoyed.
   Red spotted Russell and knocked down walls to get him, (as he did with
Bird 23 years later), but Cousy was also a key to the "mystique" and I think
we're talking about selfless play here.
  Cousy fell into our laps; as the story goes, Red lost the coin flip and
Cousy was the consolation prize. This is what I call "cosmic co-incidence,"
which I expect, is not co-incidence at all.
   Red did put together a few championship teams, based on the "mystique"
after Russell left.
   Actualy, you piece was brilliant, I hate to nitpick, against such awe
inspiring writing, worthy of Grantland Rice, etc., but my own take on the
conflugence of influences that create such sports dynasties, is that there
needs to be some very deep connection to God, at the base. There needs to be
some magnet, some force here on earth, that has connection, or is somehow
  Tying this theory into your plea for the Celtics to emulate this
selflessness and determination to win, against any personal goals, or
desires: Rick Pitino tried. He came here with exactly that in mind. He
brought in Russell to mentor Walker and inspire the others,in his concept of
"team ego," to no avail.
   The biggest complaint I had against Pitino; he got too full of himself.
After his resurection of Kentucky fortunes, he just started beleiving his
press clippings. Even the phrase "Success is a Choice" was galling. One
certainly needs to keep the goals of life in mind and have a clear and
strong will to acheive them, but imho, one needs to keep the phrase; "if Thy
will allows?" at the end of the sentence.
   Sorry to preach.



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