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Re: a proud Yahoo

At 08:24 8/25/2001 -0700, you wrote:
>"execpt for some yahoos, who predict the Celtics to
>finish fourth in the East";  I take that remark
>personably.  It was the first good laugh of the day
>and it's nearly noon down here in Texas, yahoo
>standard time.  I demur not in my wild-eyed optimism
>about the impact of JJ and the potential of a super
>season all around.  Still, it's based more on the fact
>that the other teams aren't so hot either.
>Well, I can't stay; I'm fixin' to go water the hogs
>and get dressed for the square dance.  Ya'll come on
>by when you can.  Gene

People like Ray, Jim Rome, WEEI hosts, the trash on the Jerry Springer Show
 and the like exist so we can all feel good about ourselves by comparing
ourselves to them.  