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Re: Headless chicken finale

I totally agree with this evenhanded analysis, even to where we'd agree to
disagree. And I also hope you're right and I'm wrong, obviously (namely that
the Celtics win 47 games, which won't be my prediction).

BTW, I really wonder what the over/under line for wins and losses will be in
order to induce a career decision from Pitino and Gaston? I believe the win
total to convince Pitino he should leave is far lower than many of us think.
Lower than a .500 record for one thing. I'm fairly sure of this. Pitinocchio
has too many promising things to look forward to next year (up to three first
rounders, a possible breakthrough Moiso second year, and the right to trade
Antoine without the BYC headaches if need be). Why would he want to hand all
that opportunity on to his successor and leave town a loser? Plus there just
doesn't seem to be any countervailing pressures or ultimatums for him to put-up
or shut-up coming from the influential powers that be (Gaston, Red, Russell).
Maybe from Gaston, but that's not at all clear. All the dissidents are either
outside (maybe Bird, Heinsohn, Cousy) or have marginal influence (ML Carr).

Pitino would only leave with a sub-.500 record because he is "a man of his
word". The problem is he's more like a "man of his words" (plural). He said
three years for the playoffs, then four years because the lockout year doesn't
count...etc. He is just too glib with words.

Alexander Wang wrote:

> I want to make a final coherent post on the headless chicken theory before
> we get to see it in practice with the new personnel. Basically, my feeling
> is that we had poor defensive personnel so that I don't blame the defensive
> system for our failings. But I acknowledge that the system and the players
> didn't fit so it was possibly a bad choice. I think everyone agrees with
> that.... (clip)