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Philly fans vs. Boston Fans

A friend on mine who lives in Philadelphia sent me
this post from someone on a 76ers Mailing list. The
Boston fans haven't come close to the Philadelphia

(I was always struck by the irony that Philadelphia in
the Biblical times was the city of Brotherly love)

"Tim King 7 - view threaded(Sat Mar 4 8:50 PM EST
I have to take exception with EK. As someone who has
lived in Boston and Philadelphia, I'd like to share my
opinion that Bostonians -- even as demanding as they
are -- are pussycats compared to the rabid dogs we
here in the City of Brotherly Love.  We boo Santa
Claus and pelt him with snowballs. We chuck 'D'
batteries at J. D. Drew because he wouldn't sign with
us. We cheer and laugh derisively as the medics put a
collar on Michael Irvin as he lies prone on the Vet
Stadium carpet. You guys serenade Strawberry with a
mock "Dar-ryl, Dar-ryl" -- we do the same sort of
but our chant goes "Coke-head, Coke-head". And we take
a preverse pride in wearing down the professionalism
of our coaches. Just two weeks ago, John Chaney of
Temple told every reporter who would listen how much
he hates
Philly fans. And in case they didn't hear him the
first time, he repeated it ad nauseum for about 30
minutes. (By the way, I don't approve of any of this
crap, but it is pretty typical of life in the stands
at your typical Philly sports venue.)

I heard Pitino's comments and I think he went too far.
But he's hardly unique. Little meltdowns like this are
becoming more and more commonplace as the pressure for
quick turnarounds mounts and coaches are faced with
individualistic players who are more interested in
marketing than teamwork. At least he was showing some
honest emotion"
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