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I'd just like to clarify a few things here - 
No reasonable, half-way intelligent fan of any team, professional or otherwise, expects that his/her team will always be on top, always win the championship. As Celtics fans we lived through lean years in between the really great teams, but we never felt as hopeless, I don't think, as we do right now.  Speaking for me, I don't care if a coach is a former Celtic or not, as long as it's someone who understands how to make certain anyone on his team gets coached in their weaknesses and practices so he overcomes them - for example, free throws.  When I stated that Pitino is still coaching like a college coach, I was referring to his constant yelling from the sidelines, etc.  

Something interesting occurred to me this evening as I was messaging with another Celtic fan - it dawned on me that our team's biggest problems started about the time Gaston took over the reins from his father.  Am I right?  The one thing I can't understand is his willingness to spend outrageous money to get Pitino, then was too stingy to pay for the right players.  

I get upset with the fans at the Fleet Center for booing the players, too.  There is no way I condone that.  I think, personally, that Rick's impatience stems more from his own frustration at not succeeding than from the fans booing the players.  The failures have to be laid at Pitino's door - he's the one who made the bad decisions, who gave large contracts to players who hadn't proven anything - who got rid of Wesley and Fox for the sake of a player he didn't keep - etc., etc.  SportsGuy or whoever that was who was posted here today, said it better than I ever could.  

All most of us ask is a team that plays for the sake of the team, who leaves it all on the floor every night the way they did last night - and is fun to watch.  A winning season, a playoff season, a championship at least once in awhile - is that too much to ask?  

In spite of everything, in spite of being so upset so much of the time, I'll bleed green until the day I die - I keep thinking I'll just stop watching, but I can't.  