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Re: Wanna talk finals?

I'll never understand how the Pacers blew that game. They couldn't stop
Kobe "Gimpy" Bryant? Come on!! With Shaq out of the game and Kobe playing
on a bum ankle, there is no excuse. Why go for the three at the end? Why
not the 2 to tie and continue into another OT with no Shaq and a hurt Kobe?
The odds would have been with the Pacers. I don't get it. 

Doug Collins AND Bob "I love Kobe" Costas both bug me. I could call a
better game. Costas just loves to say Kobe's name and Collins blather is
annoying and senseless. You are correct about his post-play
analysis....give me more Bizarro Bill Walton any day.


>As an aside, I can't stand Doug Collins. Didn't like
>him as a player (of course, 76ers), didn't think he
>was good as a coach (couldn't make it out of the East
>with Jordan, and to a much lesser extent with Hill)
>and now he bothers me as announcer. While he is
>annoying to listen to, he sounds very knowledgable
>after a play is made, but rarely makes points
>beforehand. Saying leaving Kobe in was a shocker, to
>me was a no brainer. Letting Smits rot on the bench in
>the most important game in Pacer history at home was
>the shocker.