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fatal leak

This trade w/denver sounds great, but it's very unlikely to happen --
and I suspect a big part of it is the Denver post story.  If they could
have kept a lid on it for a week, it might have went down, assuming
TAW and DA signed on the line that is dotted.  But with a week for
the Denver fans to bitch, for Issel to complain, for the pundits to weigh
in with how LA and Denver are getting robbed, I just can't see it happening.
Let's hope there's another deal this good out there; Mercer for Fortson 
would be pretty great, especially as we would keep both our picks.  I 
do hope we can get Chris Herren though.  I really like what I'm reading
about this guy.

Josh Ozersky	
Marketing Communications Specialist 
Corning Museum of Glass