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RE: Can we get Derek Andersen?

I don't think we can pay Taylor, so he's out.  I wouldn't trade a rebounder
like Danny for a very good 2 guard -- not when we have an all-star two 
guard already.  (I think PP is better used there; at three his size is wasted.)
As for DA, after playing for the Clippers, don't you think he would love to be
reunited with coach P?  He said yesterday that his Kentucky team could beat
the Clips.  Maybe we could ship them Danny for Derek plus Ty Nesby, or 
better yet Keith Closs.  Closs is a definite shot blocker, but they like him too
much to move him.  Still they have some talent.

Joshua Ozersky
Marketing Communications
Environmental Products Division
Corning Incorporated.
Corning, New York 14831
Phone:  (607) 974-8124
Fax:      (607) 974-2233

> ----------
> From: 	Josh Farber[SMTP:joshfarber@home.com]
> Reply To: 	Josh Farber
> Sent: 	Thursday, February 24, 2000 10:46 AM
> To: 	Ozersky, Joshua A
> Subject: 	Re: Can we get Derek Andersen?
> I'd love to get him, but can we?  I really don't think he would want to come
> off the bench anyway.
> Maybe we could either push Pierce to SF and make Anderson the SG or leave
> Pierce at SG and make Griffin the 6th man and make Anderson the starting SG.
> Well actually, now that I think about it weren't the Clippers dissapointed
> with Maurice Taylor because he wouldn't rebound?
> Why not try to trade Fortson for either Anderson or Taylor?
> I'm not promoting a deal, because I think Fortson's great for our team but
> just deserves more minutes.
> What do you think?
> Josh
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ozersky, Joshua A <OzerskyJA@corning.com>
> To: 'celtics@igtc.com' <celtics@igtc.com>
> Date: Thursday, February 24, 2000 10:36 AM
> Subject: Can we get Derek Andersen?
> >DA ripped the clippers a new a-hole yesterday, and made
> >it abundantly clear that he won't resign.  Pitino loves this
> >guy, and for good reason.  The guy would be a perfect
> >sixth man for us.    PP keeps his dominance at 2, and
> >DA gives us the much needed scoring we need off the bench.
> >I wonder what the Clips would take for a deal like this to happen?
> >Joshua Ozersky
> >Marketing Communications
> >Environmental Products Division
> >Corning Incorporated.
> >HP-CB-02-C6A
> >Corning, New York 14831
> >Phone:  (607) 974-8124
> >Fax:      (607) 974-2233
> >