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It's been awful, the officiating is inept. Tommy Heinsohn is correct. We
should have beaten Miami. We lost it because of bad offensive execution
late in the 4th quarter. I think we should have gone to a wide open often
Anderson during the 4th. Pierce and Walker forced up shots at will. We
played fairly well defensively. As far as the officiating is concerned it's
Pitino's job of getting on the refs to the point of getting thrown out of
some games till they get the message. The one game he got thrown from we
won. NOTE: what a pitiful bench. 

At 06:02 AM 2/3/00 -0800, you wrote:
>The officiating is maddening, I gotta say. For the
>longest time I've been wondering if I'm just seeing
>through kelly-tinted glasses, or if Tommy's protests
>over every single call were just having an osmosis
>affect of my view of the officials, but I've come to
>the conclusion that we are getting jobbed, no two ways
>about it. I still haven't figured out why. Yes, it's a
>young team with no star capable of getting a call from
>any official when he needs it the most, yes, it's a
>team who the last few years has probably argued and
>whined, and annoyed the officals more than the average
>team. But this year is different. I think Antoine has
>been exemplary in his dealings with the officials--for
>the most part, and who can blame him if he does flip
>his lid a few times with the crap that goes on out
>there? Who of us hasn't? 