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Re: Trade Polls

>From: "Troy Hash" <troyhash@kih.net>
>In both Yahoo & ESPN polls on who got the better end of the deals, =
>nearly 60% say in both polls that the Knicks came away like bandits.  =
>The other 3 teams are getting 10-17% votes. 

Oh, yes, by all means, let's use popular opinion as a yardstick for 
how good this trade was for the Knicks.  Surely "nearly" 60% of the 
yahoos who ... well, yahoo, I guess, can't be wrong?  Why, that's 
inconceivable!  Seriously, what does it matter what a majority of 
laypeople think about a trade days after, er minutes after, er, 
before it ever happens?  Very little.

>Anyone thinking this isn't =
>as one sided a deal that has ever been done in NBA history, doesn't know =
>much about this here league. 

Smile when you say that 'round these here parts, pardner.  We'll just 
let this one slide, since of course, there's been many trades that 
were more one-sided in NBA history.
wm. l. bird
"I, too, am running with this devil that you speak of."