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Money forced Mercer to Denver
Celtics Notebook/by Steve Bulpett

``We have a budget,'' Pitino said after the Celtics practiced in
                   Memorial Coliseum on the University of Kentucky campus. 
``The most
                   hated word in my life right now is that word budget. I 
hear it almost
                   10 times a day from various people, the CFO and everybody.''

                   The coach had spoken two days prior about his inability 
to keep David
                   Wesley, citing financial reasons set by the club - not 
the league -
                   and when local writers asked about the trading of former 
                   Mercer, Pitino was speaking in similar tones. While some 
around the
                   Celtics believe strongly there were basketball reasons 
behind the
                   trade with Denver, Pitino, while still liking very much 
what he received
                   in the deal, said it was money that mattered.

I'm telling you, guys, this is Spintino-speak.  What he is REALLY saying is 
"I hate to leave the Celtics.  This is the greatest job in all of 
sports.  But I can't stay with a team that won't spend the money necessary 
to bring in a winner.  That is why I am taking over the basketball program 
at Po-dunk Community College....."