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Globe Online Recommendation

Here's an article recommended to you by Cecil
from The Boston Globe Online [ http://www.boston.com/globe ]

Gotta crawl first.

The following story appeared in The Globe Online: 
Date: 11/08/99
Headline: Plenty for Walker to digest
Story Intro: 
The meal lasted three hours. As Zelda Fitzgerald might have said, it was a movable feast. At a table in the Cheesecake Factory in Chestnut Hill, Bill Russell and Antoine Walker sat and talked about many things: basketball, responsibility, history, celebrity, and, at the end, the most important issue of all for the privileged: Who gets the check?

If you're interested in the rest of this story point your
web browser to:
(You can easily copy and paste the URL above into the
location line of your browser.


This message was sent by cecil@hfx.eastlink.ca (UNVERIFIED ADDRESS) through The Boston Globe Online [http://www.boston.com/globe]. The Globe Online's "Pass it on..." Article Recommendation service, and all other Globe Online services, are provided free to users. To find out more about "Pass it on..." visit http://www.boston.com/globe/. If you have complaints or comments about this service, please e-mail glofeed@globe.com.