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Jersey Red Comments On His Feud With Pitino

               Wed., March 31, 1999                    
               RED'S WORLD: A little talk about UConn's
               Calhoun and 'The Feud"
               By KEN 'JERSEY RED' FORD
               Last week, the clover came off the Shamrock for the
               Boston Celtics. It got so bad that a Boston newspaper,
               and then a Worcester newspaper, tried to say that one of
               the reasons was the feud going on between coach Rick
               Pitino and a guy named Kenneth James Aloyseus Ford AKA
               Jersey Red.

               In the Boston paper was done by two gals who do a thing
               called the "Inside Track", sort of a celebrity "who's
               who" gossip column and to their credit they did call me.

               My comment to them was that the battle going on between
               Pitino and myself was personal and I would not elaborate
               on and I won't.

               But the story took a life of its own and I was told that
               Glenn Ordway, who hosts the afternoon drive show on WEEI
               radio, spent much of his show talking about the column
               and attacking me.

               The reason, I was told, is because I do not nor will I
               ever listen to that show. I used to, but about a year
               ago I decided that I had better things to do with my
               life than listen to the Big "O" and his group of misery
               merchants talk about themselves for three hours a day.

               Usually, some of my friends who do listen fill me in on
               what they are saying about me, but more importantly,
               what they are saying about Pitino because I really
               couldn't care less about the attacks on me. But when
               they go over the line and get personal about Rick does
               get my dander up.

               I have absolutely no problem at all when he is
               questioned about his coaching. They are entitled to
               their opinion, and when they question his personal
               moves, that's also fair game because again that's their
               opinion and they are entitled to it. Ditto for the
               Boston sports writers who took some real vicious,
               mean-spirited attacks at the Celtics' coach last week!

               The rule of thumb with the media today is kick a dog
               when he's down, and when you have two major papers in
               the Hub, the fight over controversy for circulation
               dictates that they must get down and dirty and a lot of
               last week's stuff was probably written in the sewers and
               passed up to a copy boy through a manhole cover so he
               could rush to the editors. It's what they do.

               I said I won't comment about the snit between the
               exorcist and myself but I find hysterical at the
               emphasis that was placed on it. Thursday morning at 6 I
               received a call from "Happy Hec" of WSAR radio to see if
               I would come on the show to discuss the Boston
               newspaper's report of our feud and I did go on with Hec.

               Try as he may, he did not get the story behind the story
               but as we usually do, Hec and I had a lot of laughs.

               When I went to work, there were copies of the story
               everywhere and a lot of questions. No answers. And there
               were a lot of questions when I got home. I had messages
               on my answering machine from radio stations in
               Cincinnati, Kentucky, Alabama and New York asking if I
               would go on and discuss the fight that was fast becoming
               bigger than the thriller in Manilla. This was the Brawl
               in Beantown!

               Forget that the Celtics were mired in a slump or that
               Pitino, after the loss in Milwaukee, held a press
               conference saying that the Washington Generals played
               better defense then his green machine or that he
               apologized to Celtics' owner Paul Gaston for bringing
               him in to have his team be playing the way they were and
               then adding that there would be a major shakeup in the
               Celtics lineup the following night.

               The big story was the feud all weekend long. I kept
               getting phone calls from the media. Everywhere I went
               people wanted to know about it.

               The way got into the "Inside Track" was initiated by the
               Boston Herald's beat writer Steve Bulpett, who is one of
               four people who know the story.

               Several weeks ago, he told Pitino that he felt that he
               owed me a phone call and an apology, and if he didn't do
               it, Bulpett would give the "scoop" to the "Inside Track"

               Several times, Bulpett cautioned Rick that he meant it,
               going as far as handing him his cell phone about a week
               ago and telling him to call me or else. Pitino said

               And Bulpett did what he promised and the story appeared.
               With came the aftermath.

               Never in my wildest dreams did I ever envision that,
               what with everything going on in this world, something
               between two individuals would this much attention.

               I felt like with most things would go away and the
               sooner the better. Well, I was dead wrong.

               Early Monday morning someone came up to me and said,
               "Did you hear Mike Moran this morning on WSAR's news

               I said, "no" and was told that Mike, along with his
               panel of The Herald News' Lisa Strattan and SAR's Pete
               Lagace, brought the feud up again.

               Now let me interrupt here and say that Mike Moran is one
               of my heroes. Sadly, because I'm working while he's on,
               I seldom get to listen to his show, but in my opinion
               Mike is the consummate professional and I would put his
               on-the-air opinions against any of the big-time national
               radio talk show hosts. He also plays a mean electric

               So when I found out that Mike was strumming out the
               Jersey Red- Rick Pitino blues, blew me away.

               Then happened that I was sitting in the teacher's room
               and there was a knock on the door. It was a student who
               said I had a visitor. I said show him in.

               Standing in front of me was a man I had never seen
               before. He was wearing a black suit with a white collar.
               He introduced himself as the Reverend Lamar Claypool and
               he seemed perplexed and uneasy. He said that he needed
               to talk to me about something that was bothering him all

               He informed me that, along with his other duties as a
               minister, he was the chaplain at the adult correctional
               facility in Rhode Island.

               Then I got nervous. I figured he was there to take me to
               the slammer for impersonating a radio talk show co-host
               on the weekly show I do in Little Rhody.

               In actuality, the Reverend Claypool, a native of Indiana
               and an avid Celtics fan, was there to see if somehow he
               could help to mediate a compromise between Pitino and

               He also said he was concerned about the emotional state
               of some of the Celtic players and perhaps he could also
               help them during these trying times.

               Folks, I'm not making this up!

               My disagreement with a friend now had me sitting down
               with this truly wonderful, compassionate man of the
               cloth. I thanked him for his concern and have given him
               Pitino's home address so he can write him down his
               concerns about the coach and the players. But I told him
               that he had no shot of being the go- between with us.

               We shook hands and promised to stay in touch.

               When he left the room I sat there dazed. What would be
               next I thought? Geraldo Rivera? Ted Koppell or Pitino
               and I slugging out on the Jerry Springer Show?

               It was at that point that I sought out the person who I
               confide in when I'm at my lowest point. The person whose
               opinion I value more than that of anyone in the world --
               Kenny "the Custodian" Schoonover.

               When I caught up with Kenny, he was walking down the
               hallway with a plunger in his hands. I poured my heart
               out to him and then stood there eagerly awaiting his
               words of wisdom.

               Kenny looked at me and said, "Ford you think you have
               problems? How would you like to face what I'm about to?"

               Good ol' Kenny came through again.

               This whole thing in the context of the big picture of
               what's really going on in life is "crap" and it's also
               no one's business but mine and Rick's, and until further
               notice, that's how will remain.

               Except for this caveat.

               While the coach and I are not on the "right track,"
               anybody that takes a mean-spirited, vicious and venomous
               attack on my friend, will have to deal with me.


                         (c) 1999, The Herald News