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	I'm from the other Cambridge, a small town in southeastern Ohio.
My dad grew up in Stoughton and more than once, he snuck into the Garden to
see Cousy and company.  Now I live in Cincinnati, Ohio and I'm a resident
at University Hospital.  Dad was always going on about the Celtics but I
was too young to understand.  That all changed in 1983.  I was watching the
Daytona 500 and CBS kept advertising that the Celts and 76ers would be
renewing their great rivavly right after the race.  I stayed tuned in and
was treated to an unbelievable game.  I was hooked and for years thought I
was the most fanatic follower the Celts had. . .until I joined this list in
the middle of the M.L. days.  I watched every CBS, NBC, TNT, and TBS game
the Celts ever played over the years and had seen several games live in
Cleveland and Indiana (including two of the great Bird-Person duels in
1991) but never saw a game in the Garden until 1995.  I drove 17 hours by
myself to the only game I could attend--over my spring break.  3 weeks
after I bought the tickets it was announced that they would hang Reggie's
number that night and I was in heaven.  On the ride up, jordan announced
his return and suddenly my 2 $30 tickets had become $300 each.  I savored
every minute of the loss that night and walked the corridors and bleachers
until they kicked me out.  Through it all, I look forward to the next great
generation of Celtics as much as I savor the last.

Patrick Goggin
(Goggin in Cincinnati)