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RE: avoid the stereotypes!

Well if this obviously bothered someone then of course I apologize, but at
what point do we have to quit worrying if our humor or not prefaced comments
are going to potentially offend a couple folks on the list.  This
politically correct environment that continues to fester is becoming the
real joke.

Not living in the South, but having visited numerous areas of this region,
from the biggest cities to the smallest backwaters, it is an area I have
some concern for, so at the same time don't discount my true feelings for an
area in our country that depending on your persuasion and what business or
private environment you happen to be in, can be a very disturbing place to
visit.  I grew up in an extremely ethic diverse and tolerant area, and all
my visits to our wonderful SE part of this country have left me glad to come
home.  Please understand that I have as much concern for the Civil war
fighting brethren down south as any other group.  In fact it is their
behavior both to themselves, northerners or there neighbors that is most

Actually what I meant was send Calpo to Puerto Rico and let him coach the
national team, but keep him away from NE.


-----Original Message-----
From: J. Mark Estepp [mailto:esteppjm@appstate.edu]
Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 1999 7:08 AM
To: celtics@igtc.com
Subject: avoid the stereotypes!

<<Send Calpo down to a deep south school where he hopefully will not be
of again.  Good Riddance,

What does this mean?!?  Keep in mind there are C's fans everywhere.  

Mark (born in the mid-atlantic, lived in the DEEP south, living in the
south, and proud of it)

Mark Estepp				828 262 3111
Appalachian State University			828 265 8696 (fax)