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RE: Lakers Acquire Rice For Johnson and Campbell

I just saw my life flash before my eyes, because yes this statement is so
true I might have to jump ship.  Kidding of course, but they definitely have
a direction and are a few years ahead of our progress.  With my illness in
check, this fearful reality of Faker success would make anyone a huge Blazer
fan.  They must win every night to keep home court advantage, and maybe then
can steam roll the Purple crew in 7 in Portland.  When you think about it,
we all can become Blazer, Jazz and Rockets fans very quickly; you just have
to believe.

The Blazer/Faker games in April should be an E ride ticket for sure.


-----Original Message-----
From: Mister Ghost [mailto:mister_ghost@yahoo.com]
Sent: Wednesday, March 10, 1999 2:42 PM
To: celtics@igtc.com
Subject: RE: Lakers Acquire Rice For Johnson and Campbell 

But the Laker reality is so far away from the
present day Celtics, that it's kind of depressing.