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Whom The Celtics Are Picking In Mock Drafts

Basketball News - No. 37: Lari Ketner Center UMass - From what I heard
about him,
                          he boombed during the Chicago camp, so his
stock is
                          dropping. I think he'll be fine, and Pitino
                          motivate him.

                  No. 55: Wayne Turner PG Kentucky - Basketball News
needs better
                          prognosticators, as he won't last this far...

Total Action Draft Machine - No. 37: Jeff Foster C/PF Sw Texas:  Total
                             is an apt description for these bozos, as
they have
                             the C's passing on Herren, Bullock,
Magloire, Ruffin
                             - all better players and more likely

                             No. 55: Wayne Turner - I just don't see him
                                     this low...

So apparently the C's have both 37 and 55...