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St. Phil of the Flakers

      Figured these snippets from the LA Times might fuel some debate.   Or 
is there any debate?  Elsewhere in the Times, Mark Heisler observes that Rick 
Pitino's next title is likely to be in the NCAA, not the NBA.  That's in a 
story about the decline of the eastern conference.

His Name is Phil, but His Act Is Pure Oscar 
 Skip Bayless writing in the Chicago Tribune: "How ironic. Hollywood, the 
myth-making capital, is falling for the myth that Phil Jackson is more of a 
great coach than a good actor. 

        "Jackson is being hailed in Los Angeles as a combination Red 
Auerbach/Confucious/ Dr. Laura--the only man on the planet who can harness 
and unite the intergalactic egos of Shaq and Kobe and the painfully talented 
       "For now, Jackson has fooled the Lakers, their followers and himself. 
After he was introduced Wednesday as the new Laker coach, Los Angeles seemed 
to believe the 'Zen master' also will rid the city of traffic, smog, 
earthquakes and Roseanne. 
       "Hollywood is convinced Phil Jackson will do for Kobe Bryant and 
Shaquille O'Neal what he did for [Michael] Jordan--turn them into champions. 
       "Yes, and Liam Neeson is really a Jedi warrior."
* * * *

      More skepticism: Dan LeBatard in the Miami Herald: "Maybe the Lakers, 
the NBA's most underachieving team, will listen to Jackson, and maybe they'll 
do us the courtesy of playing a little defense, but odds are Jackson will end 
up on the same pile as all the other self-important coaches who ride only one 
great team to glory."