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Mo Taylor hires David Falk as his new agent?!?!?!?

Here's a copy of the text from today's BskBALL.com "Trade Rumors" section. 
<A HREF="http://www.bskball.com/">BskBALL's HOOPSWORLD:In Frames!</A> Click 
on the link if you need more info/proof.  Mind you,  I'm not saying the 
source is "credible" or "not credible" but  BskBALL.com is where this 
information is originating from.

It would make the next 10 days verrrrry interesting if this is indeed true as 
Rick Pitino and David Falk have a, shall I say, "cozy" relationship and 
coupled with the fact that Ron Mercer dumped David Falk as his agent not long 
ago to join up with Master "P"'s No Limit agency is indeed intriguing.

"MAURICE FIRES AGENT- Not quite a free agent yet, Clippers forward Maurice 
Taylor has fired his agent Norm Nixon, and has signed super agent David Falk, 
to deal with the Clips on his extention. Mo has expressed all along that he 
wants to stay with the team, but sources near the Clippers smell blood in the 
waters. Falk is said to hold a grudge against LA because they passed on Mike 
Bibby, also a Falk client. Many around the league have inquired
about the status of Mo Taylor, so the odds that Falk could try and swing one 
of his infamous, forced trades is a possiblity."