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RE: Stewart Signs with Toronto

I will buy all us a beer if this is true to drown our sorrows, as I would
have to celebrate his intelligent and brave decision to play for reasons
other than money.  I echo Josh's sentiment in general, IF THIS TRUE, as he
obviously doesn't have the fortitude to look beyond the dollars, clean water
and air, and sometimes good beer and hockey.  Go Canada!, straight into a 
freaking @*$%^.

Son of a $*tch,

-----Original Message-----
From: Josh Ozersky [mailto:josh_ozersky@yahoo.com]
Sent: Thursday, January 21, 1999 11:08 AM
To: celtics@igtc.com
Subject: Stewart Signs with Toronto

David Aldridge reports it.  I guess a bad team, Canadian taxes, and
cold weather were what Stewart was after.  *$ck him!  Don't trade


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