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New Year's Hopes

Special greetings to the list.  I've just caught up on the last week's
worth of comments.  I feel your pain!

I watched the second half of the King's game.  What a bummer!  Even
the rally made me upset.  Unable to sleep, I reran the first half and
felt a little better.

Prospects:  I think we can create a nice set of three game streaks
before long.  Fortson will help immeasurably.  He will add scoring and
will make the subs better by one (whether he is on the sub team or
not).  This team, if they hold together, does have the talent to be
the fifth or sixth best team in the East.  One good month will show
that to be true.  I, too, wish we saw more out of Pitino, but I'm sure
he is doing all an intelligent, experienced coach can do.  We simply
lack experience and leadership on the floor.

A big no to Iverson on the Celtics.  Would Sprewell be next?  Or
Isaiah Rider?  A head case is forever.  And Iverson is essentially a
head case.  He can't/won't adjust his talent to allowing the team to
win.  He's the best example of the decade of a gym rat who has all the
skills but chooses to exalt (mostly) his individual skills.  I think
Walker is a much better team player and we need his desire out there.

Enough.  Cheers to all.  Be safe out there.
