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Re: My hero, the A-Walker

Part of Walker's problems are the way Pitino used him in prior games with
the exception of the Denver game. He was out to far for his own good, he's
not a good ball handler from that far out and he certainly wasn't getting
assists. When he stays below the foul line, he can be more creative.
Witness his decent shooting, assists against the Nuggets. As soon as they
started dumping the ball down to him things started to happen. Tommy
Heinsohn is correct, keep him there. As far as his personallity goes he'll
have to develop that because he won't beat the fans. All he has to do is
concentrate and leave the fans alone and quit whining to the refs. Let
Pitino do that from the bench.

At 07:55 PM 12/9/99 EST, you wrote:
>My hero, A. Walker. Maybe that is a new word for A. Hole. Makes you want to 
>go cheer him on, huh? Sure there are idiots in the stands just like there is 
>on this list. But common people don't pay good money to be entertained by 
>some underperforming, overpaid millionaire who trys to intimidate them if 
>they don't like the product.  When people read this, you gotta know that 
>Walker is going to hear even more boos when he screws up.  He is in the 
>entertainment business. He just doesn't get that either...Now, I know some
>you can't take any criticism of the Celts. But don't lump me with the 
>Purveyors of Pessimism, you stereotypers. Just at least admit that Walker 
>creates a less than desirable situation with his play and antics on the 
><Walker got into it with a fan late in the game. The fan had been telling 
>Walker to get back on defense. Walker came over to the scorer's table and 
>said to a fan, ''You got a problem with me?'' After the fan shook his head, 
>Walker said, ''I didn't think so.''Walker, however, had the wrong man.
>a break, the fan continued to tell him to get back. Walker spotted him and 
>said, ''Make me.'' Asked about the exhange, Walker said it was ''no big
>But we had worked hard and we didn't need to hear negative comments like 
>that. That's not what we need.'' >