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Re: news around the league...

Thanks for the cool post (I didn't realize BOS paid yearly dividends). I'm under the impression that the share price charts I referred to already factor in share splits, which tend to occur quite frequently. I'm not a Celtics shareholder but I do agree that value of "owning" Celtics shares has little to do with the investment return. I guess that's one reason why average daily trading volume is so puny for that stock. Time to head home, see you later...


Gregory Odegaard wrote:

> Actually the major reason the stock value has dropped to less than half it's peak is a reorganization of the stock class that happened about a year ago.  In effect they changed a rating or something, that puts the entire investment into a different tax status for the business, and the only way an individual investor could make out with some kind of good return on their investment was to own more than 100 shares.  They gave all holders notice to allow them to get into this group if they held less than 100 units, which many like myself purchased a small block only for the share certificate, the cool dividend checks, the annual report and the stupid bragging rights of owning  a part of the team.  Nice idea and well worth the 200 bucks I spent at the time.  When this changed happened the value automatically dropped one half due to some kind of split.  So in my understanding my total investment didn't change much, only my status of having virtually no say as a stockholder was reduc!
> !
> ed to less than no say, with only the larger investors (100 or more) retaining some perceived right to be a blowhard.
> Still the shares are mine and I get the cool check every year.  If I am way off base on this story  please let us all know and thanks.
> My advice on the market buy low and sell high, though not the high that George W must share with slick Willy.
> Out,
> Greg