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Re: your mail

         Reply to:   Re: your mail

Yes, Cecil, I agree 100 percent. But a proposal that limits how much any player can make (eg, eliminating the Bird exemption) will end that ever-escalating salary lunacy. It worked with the rookie salaries, didn't it? I mean, the owners were short-sighted in that they didn't realize how a three-year window would put them over the barrel just when a player was coming into his prime; but it did do away with these absurb salaries for players coming right out of school. There was inherent unfairness there in that veterans were getting the shaft while unproven kids were driving away with the Brinks truck.

Cecil Wright wrote:

Yes the players are greedy!
>But nobody forces the owners to bow to silly overinflated requests by
>these agents. They do it for the very reason which Peter alludes to in
>his last paragraph; if they don't pay, one of their competitors will.