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Hi All,

As I am truly depressed about the cancellation news today, I am now
pondering the whole mess of an NBA we have now.

I have a  question. What is the basis on which the players are tied to

What I am thinking of is the remote possibility of a scenario where players
boycott the union, and play under whatever the NBA devises. Would this
undermine the union? Imagine, the lockout progresses to a point where the
guys not earning Ewing/Mutumbo type money get so pissed with the union, they
boycott the union as they need to get paid. They accept the owners (in my
opinion, fair) proposal and go back to work for the NBA. My thinking is that
the fan may lose a Ewing or Stoudamire in the process, but gain a league at
the cost of a few stars. Patrick and Co, couldn't fight for a cause that
doesn't exist then. If Patrick doesn't want to play under what the owners
propose, he doesn't have to. But all those willing to play and get paid
decently for it, can do so.

Any thoughts, please keep me amused.


Simon Kean