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Re: National Bulls Company

>Secondly, in that same slo-mo replay, you could *clearly*
>see MJ's foot slip out from under him. Any contact with McKey had nothing to
>do with the fall, it was more likely a wet spot or MJ just being off
>balance. But, the announcers couldn't believe that MJ just fell, it must
>have been caused by those cheating Pacers doing something illeagal.

I dunno. Jordan made a move to his right and his left foot hit the
defender's left foot. I think it was a good non-call because the defender
was not moving at all. His foot was still. Jordan had him beat but it was
Jordan who hit the defender's foot. Jordan was also leaning in the
direction of the future path of the defender to try to draw contact, so he
was off-balance and fell when his foot hit the defender's foot.