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Re: JAZZ 3-0!!!

In a message dated 98-05-23 01:00:31 EDT, Gregory Odegaard writes :

>The old boys continue to give the LA Boys Choir a whipping.  

Ain't it grand !

>It is sad to see Fox score 9 points in the first 15 minutes or so, then say a
>nap for the balance of the game.  Maybe he is a true Faker at heart after

I think that's a little harsh.  Everyone has an off game now and then, and
this may have been one of Fox's.  But throughout the year, and the earlier
part of the playoff games, he's been one of the few Lakers to play
consistently well (and as though he actually was interested in winning).

>With this loss the Fakers drop below the Celtics in overall winning % for the
>history of the teams.  And you thought a game like this meant nothing.

Any game that the Fakers have a chance of loosing means something.  And to see
them loose three playoff games in a row !  Life is good.

Also, it's great to see a team that depends on teamwork and execution beat the
'highlight reel' showoffs in their own building to go 3-0.

>Come Sunday The Faker Bandwagon will be put back in the garage for another

Speaking of which, whatever happened to the Kobe Bandwagon :-)
Oh well, enough gloating for a while (if there can be such a thing as gloating
too much when the Lakers loose).

Hank M.