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Unfortunately the Webber/Howard thing would work if Webber just sucked it up
and played Center. He couldn't be dominating, but in such a small league he
could be better than most. Howard should be playing PF, the position in
which he made his name three years ago. Webber and his refusal to play
Center is the reason that the Wiz lost this year and didn't have a higher
standing in 1997, which would have gotten them past the Bulls.

Date: Thu, 7 May 1998 20:30:47 -0700
From: John Lyell <Jlyell@concentric.net>
Subject: RE: News out of Miami

It has been obvious the Webber Howard thing would not work they really play
the same position, and I expect one to go possibly for Sprewell ?  Lets
pass on Smith he is a tweener without a jumpshot.

Kevin T. Robertson