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If Alex Wang is a teacher at MIT, Tisdale should be....

     the inventor of mathematics.  Again Mr. Wang throws in several 
     percentages and spews out a few statistical terms ( probability, 
     averages, etc. ) to make his case.  Forgive me if your MIT explanation 
     is beyond human comprehension but Tisdale's explanation was more 
     concise and 100 times simpler than your throwing in random 
     percentages.  If Mr. Wang is such an expert in probability then I find 
     it interesting that he did not use any probability theory whatsoever 
     to make his case.  The reason why I said earlier that you cannot 
     simply use percentages to analyze this Walker thing is because you 
     would have to take every event (steal, block, dunk, etc.) in every 
     game into account.  That is why you never see "numbers of points lost" 
     statistics in any sports broadcast because it's too complex to get a 
     precise number for.  The more I think about it nobody can estimate the 
     C's lost points just by using simple arithmetic or statistics.  This 
     is something for college professors to handle.