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Those nasty owners picking on those poor players....


First: Why do you keep bringing up these supposedly crippled
ex-athletes?  Have you ever seen someone crippled from a career digging
ditches or mining coal for 1/100th of what athletes make?  It's got
nothing to do with what their market value is.

Second:  Have you ever seen a player lose money by playing basketball?
Whether it's 50% or 5% of them, some of the owners do lose money.  No
players do.  

Third:  If this wonderful cooperative, player owned league of yours ever
comes to fruition, you can bet there will be just as much
money-grubbing, in-fighting, petty squabbling as there is now.  How much
better would it be if Antoine was having this 'respect' discussion with
his teammates, instead of an owner.  

Fourth: Why should they ever want to start their own league?  The
players, even average ones, can become multi-millionaires right now with
absolutely no financial risk to themselves.  If they take over the
league, they will also assume the risk.
